Last month, I wrote a post discussing
dynamite plots, noting that they're not considered to be especially good at presenting information. I got a little bit of flak for it, from people for and against dynamite plots. This post shows a different method of showing a point and an error bar. If you're going to do it, why not make it look like something cool. A
TIE fighter maybe?
Values <- c(1,2,5,4)
Errors <- c(0.25, 0.5, 0.33, 0.12)
dummyNames <- paste("Trial", 1:4)
TIEplot(1:4, Values, Errors, names = dummyNames, ylim = c(0,6))
How much cooler is that?
The code for TIEplot() is available on gitHub. Remember to acknowledge me when you use in all your papers/books/theses.
May I strongly urge that you give thought to violin plots - the modern take on the old boxplot, visually very appealing and readily explained to novice audiences. See, for example, R packages caroline, violinmplot and vioplot, as well as Stata's most recent version of this graphic.
Caroline's violins allows violins by groups, offset, overprinted and colorized, as well as extended statistics and other good things
Brilliant! I'm looking forward to other SW icons in this series of intergalactic graphics.
Awesome! I'm having a terrible week and this cheered me right up. I'll be sure to let you know (and cite you!) when I use them in my career-defining paper in Science.
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