Tiger beetles (family Cicindelidae) are active predators as adults, pursuing their prey by running and flying. The larvae are bizarre looking things, and catch their prey by sitting and waiting in holes in clay banks and the like (such as one I found in my youth in the Solomon Islands that had taken up residence in a spent WWII rifle cartridge)
Polyrhanis dabraensis is a beautiful tiger beetle from Western New Guinea that was recently described by Andrey Matalin and Fabio Cassola. The insect fauna of this region is fairly poorly known, but the tiger beetles are doing fairly well for themselves. A total of 64 species are known from the region, though undoubtedly more are yet to be discovered. A list of the known species is available on the Website of the Papua Insects Foundation, which also includes images for a select number of species.
Picture courtesy of the Korean Society of Applied Entomology, Taiwan Entomological Society and the Malaysian Plant Protection Society.
Matalin AV, Cassola F. 2012. A new species of the genus Polyrhanis Rivalier, 1963 (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) from Papua (New Guinea, Indonesia). Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 15(1): 196-199.
1 comment:
I used to catch the larvae as a child by inserting a thin blade of grass into the hole, waiting till it started moving, and then quickly pulling it out.
The larvae would be attached to the end of the grass with their pincers.
That's all I know about Tiger Beetle larvae.
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