Earlier this year, I met up with up-and-coming New Zealand nature photography Bryce McQuillan, who specialises in macro photography of invertebrates, particularly spiders. He puts the majority of his photos on Flickr and are well worth checking out.
Nature photographers are uniquely able to capture and portray the beauty and wonder of the natural world, and communicate it to the public in a way that can be broadly appreciated. The photos of the chalcidoid wasp above and the entomobryoid springtail below demonstrate this. These invertebrates are minute and incredibly beautiful. They are common and widespread, but their small size means that most people are not aware of them. The adage of one picture being worth 1000 words is particularly relevant in this situation.
Bryce's favorite group are spiders, which are particularly needy in the PR department. His photographs are able to capture their beauty and personality in such a way that even those who have no natural fondness for spiders are able to see beyond their "creepy-crawly" facade.
And this is why nature photographers are so important. Photos are an acccessable medium that people are easily able to understand and relate to. They are vital in the communication of the importance of biodiversity to the general public.

Hey Sam. Check this article for hacking your very own macro lens from a dirt cheap kit lens. (If you're rocking a Canon that is).
Thanks Dave. I don't have a Canon at the moment, but will keep it in mind if/when I get one!
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