It is a sad fact of the academic life that one has to be a mercenary to one extent or another. Jobs tend to be few and far between, particularly when one becomes extremely specialised in a particular field. This requires that if you're wanting to work as a scientist, you need to be willing to move to where the jobs are.
This week we farewelled two people who had done their PhDs here at Lincoln and who are starting postdoctorate positions in two very different parts of the world. One is heading to the Czech republic to study weeds, while the other is heading to Manaus in Brazil to study fish. Both have been good people to have around, and they will be missed.
Of course, one of the benefits of this diaspora is that one ends up knowing people in all sorts of places. Brazil and the Czech republic have just become that much higher on our list of places to visit sometime.
Morin A, Urban J, Sliz P. 2012. A quick guide to software licensing for the scientist-programmer. PLoS Computational Biology 8(7): e1002598
Pratchett T. 2011. Snuff London: Corgi
Psalms 86–89
E-utilities Quick Start
Bug report on Clementine interfacing with iPods
Psychological Statistics—The aesthetics of error bars
Leo Tolstoy—War and Peace Book 1 LibriVox audiobook
Per Landgren—Natural History: from Aristotle to Linnaeus - Influences on the Early Modern Relation between the Bible and Science
William Carrol—Creation and Contemporary Science: The Legacy of Thomas Aquinas
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Season 5